Top 10k strings from Telesoftware Uploader (1987)(Steve Marsh).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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2 "upload.gT" 2 "upload.fT" 2 "upload.cT" 2 "st+960*(sf+l)": 2 "41963+960*sf"): 2 Tape CET Uploader Instructions 1 upload.gT 1 upload.fT I 1 upload.cT 1 to do this. You load it & the shortcode. You will be asked to load your program, you do this one part at a time. The program can handle blocks of about 40k in length. At the end of each it will ask you to insert a blank tape, start saving & hit a key. "': 1 t$''"When you load the main program you will have to chose standard or gallery format & the start frame. You have to enter the number of segments your program has. You can convert up to 9 parts at a time but be careful that you do not go over the max.amount of memory that can be downloaded at one time. This is about 40k, if you go over this then nobody will be able to download your program! You will now be asked to enter the names of the all of the program parts you want to convert. Enter the names correctly or they won't load!"''p$: 1 t$''"When it has finished stop the tape & replace the tape you are saving the frames to, save the frames on it & then check you have finished. If all seems OK you can load Editor & the frames& off you go! If you want more info about this program then please mbx Bruce on 732832025 "',"Have fun": 1 t$''"To convert the programs, you will have to reformat them. Use the small program, 1 t$''"Now you put in the filename you wish to save it as, the footer title, & the name you want to call the s/w. You will have to start playing the tape at the first segment of the first file of your reformatted program now.If it is not the right piece it will say 1 p,o;"LOADING:";u$; 1 p,o;"FOUND: ";u$: 1 p+l,o;"Saving ";f$+( 1 p$=" Press any key..... ": 1 j7,o;"Total frames so far :3"; 1 j5,o;"Processing frame "; 1 j4;"WORKING,Please wait!": 1 f$'"Footer title? (8 chars)"; 1 UPLOAD.T 1 TT 1987 c |A|Gc|I|0/n|1ib|L|1@|0Z|1N@|5Z|3F|0=|1b|0y|1b|4K|5L|3P|1b|060|1b|L|1@|0d|1N@|5Z|3F|4I|1b|0n|1b|4K|5L|3P|1b|090|1b|L|1@|2B|1B@|5B|L|1gNZ@|5Q|0n=|3P|1b|3^|023637+256|1j|3^|023638|1b|0:|5^|L 1 THE"'"STANDARD & GALLERY 1 THE REST IS AUTOMATIC."''" 1 THE FILE IS OVER 26 FRAMES 1 TANDARD ?": 1 PROGRAM NOW 1 OF THE CORRECT"'"NAME ON THE TAPE 1 IT NEEDS & AS LONG AS THERE IS 1 INST 1 FOUND:(name) 1 FORMAT.TC r 1 FORMAT.T w 1 ANOTHER PROG? 1 ;"TELESOFTWARE UPLOADER V5.0T"' 1 2 FILES WILL BE CREATED"'"WITH THE LEADER AFTER THE"'"SECOND ONE" 1 (c/10)-a*10": 1 ((s-st)/40+1)": 1 ''"THIS PROGRAM WILL PROMPT 1 #o;"START FRAME LETTER ( 1 "st+960*(2+sf)+228": 1 "st+3885", 1 "st+3681", 1 "st+3504", 1 "st+2925", 1 "st+2924", 1 "c-a*100-b*10": 1 "Upload.T" 1 "Software Name (max 7 chars) ? "' 1 "Output file (max 9 chars) ? "' 1 "It will save hederless blocks of 256 bytes till all of that segment has been done. Be sure to note where on the tape the segments start & their names! Do this for each part of your program of course."''p$: 1 "Invalid character Error!!": 1 "How many parts to upload?(Max 9)";n: 1 "FILE ";(I);" ?"; 1 "9";b$(i,j2 1 "41762+sf*960" 1 "22";fr+j2 1 "11")=p$(i) 1 " TO SAVE TO TAPE,INSERT TAPE IN TO RECORDER & PRESS A KEY": 1 " "-J3)*(J3< 1 will never change except for GALLERY use."'" 1 frame just holds the 'header'"'" 1 frame has saving info for use by the program on frame 1 Steve Marsh 1987"'"Converted by B.Griffin for TAPE": 1 & search for the right file, when it has found it, it will load all the bits of it & then search for thenext one. If the frames reach z then you must stop the tape & save the frames. When it has saved them continue playing the tape."''p$: 1 Press any key..... T( 1 b |A|Gb|I|1@J|0<|1@|5M|3P|1b|09998|1b|0:|4N|0h|1h|0n|1N@@|2?|0^|1@i|0=|3P|1b|3Z|1h|0n/256|1ib|0:|4N|0l|1h|0n|1N@@|2?|0^|1@i|0=|3P|1b|0n-|3H|0h|1h|0n|1ij|0256|1b|L|1@T|0l|1@|5T|3P|1b|0n+7|1b|0,|3H|0l|1h|3P|1b|0n+36|1bi|0:|5T|3P|1b|0n+8|1b|0,|3H|0h|1h|3P|1b|0n+36|1bi|0:|5T|3P|1b|0n+24|1b|0,|3H|0l|1h|3P|1b|0n+32|1bi|0:|5T|3P|1b|0n+25|1b|0,|3H|0h|1h|3P|1b|0n+32|1bi|0:|5U|1b|0}}}}}}}}|2?|0}S}Marsh}1987|1b|L|1@h]@|5U|1c|4C|3G|0;|1b|0Press}any}key}to}SAVE|1b|L|1@|02|1M@|5Z|3F|0=|1bb|4K|5L|3P|1b|050|1b|L|1@|0<|1I@|5Y|4@|3P|1b|0n+5|1b|L|1@|0P|1Y@|5U|1c|4C|3G|0;|1b|0Save}again?}|1h|0y|Z085 1 a|A|Gb|I|1@J|0<|1@|5M|3P|1b|09998|1b|0:|4N|0h|1h|0n|1N@@|2?|0^|1@i|0=|3P|1b|3Z|1h|0n/256|1ib|0:|4N|0l|1h|0n|1N@@|2?|0^|1@i|0=|3P|1b|0n-|3H|0h|1h|0n|1ij|0256|1b|L|1@T|0l|1@|5T|3P|1b|0n+7|1b|0,|3H|0l|1h|3P|1b|0n+36|1bi|0:|5T|3P|1b|0n+8|1b|0,|3H|0h|1h|3P|1b|0n+36|1bi|0:|5T|3P|1b|0n+24|1b|0,|3H|0l|1h|3P|1b|0n+32|1bi|0:|5T|3P|1b|0n+25|1b|0,|3H|0h|1h|3P|1b|0n+32|1bi|0:|5U|1b|0}}}}}}}}|2?|0}S}Marsh}1987|1b|L|1@h]@|5U|1c|4C|3G|0;|1b|0Press}any}key}to}SAVE|1b|L|1@|02|1M@|5Z|3F|0=|1bb|4K|5L|3P|1b|050|1b|L|1@|0<|1I@|5Y|4@|3P|1b|0n+5|1b|L|1@|0P|1Y@|5U|1c|4C|3G|0;|1b|0Save}again?}|1h|0y/n|1ib|L|1@|0Z|1N@|5Z|3F|0=|1b|0y|1b|4K|5L|3P|1b|060|1b|L|1@|0d|1N@|5Z|3F|4I|1b|0n|1b|4K|5L|3P|1b|090|1b|L|1@|2B|1B@|5B|L|1gNZ@|5Q|0n=|3P|1b|3^|023637+256|1j|3^|023638|1b|0:|5^|L|Z068